All your kids' favorite games - Fortnite, FIFA22, Rocket League - are available in the Station Wagon

Cole's 11th birthday celebrated with a winning Fortnite party on Easter Monday

Easter Monday also brought real sunshine to Burnley. Not only was it a wonderful day for Easter, but it was also the day to celebrate 11-year-old Cole's birthday.

Briony wanted something more exciting than an Easter bunny for her teenage son. She contacted us because the Station Wagon is a great surprise and a great way to relax for everyone, regardless of age or gender. Cole felt the same way, the surprise went down well and he and his friends had a great Fortnite party. Their enthusiasm was successful as they won their first party! The excitement continued throughout and it turned out to be a great afternoon. And even the Easter Bunny must have paid a visit to these great guys...

A gaming party bus experience is a great alternative for everyone. We listed the reasons earlier why you should hold your kid's birthday party in the Station Wagon. And it's not just for them, but also for adults! Choose your favorite game, and book an appointment now.  


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The Station Wagon is a mobile gaming company. We are offering entertainment for all ages for all occasions. Come rain or shine we are there and can hire us for an hour or as long as you wish! It doesn’t matter where you are, at home, in a Pub or a Community Hall, we can come to you!

Greater Manchester

Call : +44 (0) 7944 691844

Gaming Bus

Andras Toth


Have a question or want to book? We bring the best gaming experience to your party!
