All the boys came to the birthday party in uniform, as they are all Fortnite fans.

7-year-old Danny and his team set a record in Fortnite in a uniform

It's rare to meet a team this prepared! At just 7-years-old, Danny and his friends are huge Fortnite fans, so it was easy for Traxy to give his little boy Station Wagon for his birthday. The kids arrived in a Fortnite t-shirt with a #birthdaysquad sign and played together with an organisation rarely seen in adults. Danny and his friends broke a huge record in Fortnite squad with 32 kills, a record never before in Station Wagon history.

This party in Farnworth will be a great experience and memory not only for Danny and his friends, but for us too. Thank you guys, you are fantastic!

A gaming party bus experience is a great alternative for everyone. We listed the reasons earlier why you should hold your kid's birthday party in the Station Wagon. And it's not just for them, but also for adults! Choose your favorite game, and book an appointment now.  


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The Station Wagon is a mobile gaming company. We are offering entertainment for all ages for all occasions. Come rain or shine we are there and can hire us for an hour or as long as you wish! It doesn’t matter where you are, at home, in a Pub or a Community Hall, we can come to you!

Greater Manchester

Call : +44 (0) 7944 691844

Gaming Bus

Andras Toth


Have a question or want to book? We bring the best gaming experience to your party!
